Tools Tutorials

This section gathers the filmed descriptions of the JMMC tools. These visual tutorials will be posted progressively, as improvements or new features are added to the tools. They are complementary to the written description of the User Manuals. As with the latter, please feel free to use the User Support for any comment or question.

Let us guide you through the different panels of the main page and the features that allow you to easily set the parameters of your observation and see the resulting interferometric data along the observability time.

where we mainly show how to link calibrators found with SearchCal to a target, visualise them on the sky and access their physical parameters.

where we show how to modelize your science target (or calibrator) by an analytical function through the Models Tabbed Pane.

  • Aspro2- The Target Editor #3
    - under progress -

where we show how to modelize your science target by a Fits image or a Fits-cube (if chromatic variation) you provide through the Models Tabbed Pane.

where we show how to send your Aspro2 observation (science target and calibrators) to an observatory proposal database, here the ESO Phase 2.

the tool to visualize your data and make easily some filtering on them.

the tool to search Fringe Tracking and Adaptive Optics Targets for UT observations in wide field mode.