Awards in the optical interferometry community

At the last SPIE meeting, during the conference "Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging IX" prizes have been awarded to people deeply and succesfully involved on the development and the success of the optical interferometry.

The recipients were:
Steve Ridgway, NOAO, Fizeau Prize 2024, for his lifelong work on optical interferometry, from speckle to long-baseline interferometry and for his high contribution to the construction of several interferometric facilities, including CHARA and the Keck Interferometer.
Peter Tuthill, University of Sydney, Michelson Prize 2024, for his large contribution, theoritical and instrumental, in the field of interferometry, including the aperture masking interferometry on a single telescope.

See more information here.

Awards in the optical interferometry community

Updated on 4 July 2024