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Awards in the optical interferometry community

Published on July 04, 2024

At the last SPIE meeting, during the conference "Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging IX" prizes have been awarded to people deeply and succesfully involved on the development and the success of the optical interferometry.
The recipients were:
Steve Ridgway, NOAO, Fizeau Prize 2024, for his lifelong work on optical interferometry, from speckle to long-baseline interferometry and for his high contribution to the construction of several interferometric facilities, including (…)

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Aspro2 & SearchFTT ready for ESO-P114 and CHARA-2024B Call for Proposals

Published on March 10, 2024

The last Aspro2 release provides an new advanced OIFITS data simulator - to estimate first the GRAVITY Fringe Tracker’s performance (single & dual field) then its impact on GRAVITY or MATISSE (GRA4MAT) observations - and an improved Adaptive Optics performance model to preliminary support the coming GRAVITY+ GPAO for VLTI UTs to be installed in Summer 2024.
To see the complete change log: (…)

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2024 CHARA/GSU annual Science Meeting

Published on February 29, 2024

The 2024 CHARA Science Meeting was held at Tucson, AZ on March 12-14, 2024.
It was hosted by NSF’s NOIRLab, which was organizing a one-day workshop on 11 March on "Charting Quantum Horizons: Establishing a Roadmap for Microarcsecond Astronomy".
People from JMMC took part in the meetings, presenting during the CHARA days the updates of the tools open to the community as well as possible developments to the OIDB database.
All the information is available here.

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Aspro2 ready for ESO-P113 and CHARA 2024A Call For Proposals

Published on September 15, 2023

ASPRO2 23.09 is available for the ESO "Call for Proposals - Period 113 (April 1 - September 30, 2024)" and the CHARA Array "Call for Proposals -2024A - (March 1 - July 31, 2024)", 45 nights of community access time).
To see the complete change log: swmgr/AsproConfig/aspro-conf/releasenotes.htm
Deadlines for proposals: ESO: Tuesday 26 September 2023, 12:00 noon CEST
For VLTI users needing assistance to prepare their VLTI (…)

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Aspro2 ready for ESO Call For Proposals - P112 and the CHARA Array 2023B

Published on March 07, 2023

Aspro2 23.03 is available for the ESO Call For Proposals - Period 112 (1 October 2023 - 31 March 2024) and the CHARA Array 2023B (August 1 through December 21, 2023) Call for Open Access Proposals (45 nights). It supports the new VLTI Extended configuration providing baselines up to 200m thanks to the new double-path mode of the delay-lines. Please use the ’VLTI Future’ period to get all intermediate relocation configuration for both periods 111 & 112. For more details, go to the (…)

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JMMC at Atlanta for the CHARA/GSU meeting & workshop

Published on March 06, 2023

Thursday, March 14 at 6:20pm CET, Laurent Bourgès has presented the updates of some tools and their evolution for 2023.
see the program.
He also participated in the following workshop as well as Isabelle Tallon-Bosc. Other people too, but remotely: Guillaume Mella, Ferréol Soulez and Michel Tallon.
see the program.
All the presentations are on the CHARA website as well as on our Documents Database

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New model sYSOm: simple young stellar object (YSO) model (AMHRA release v1.8.0)

Published on February 10, 2023

sYSOm generates emission maps of young stellar objects (YSOs) based on a model composed of a central star, modeled as a blackbody, and a dusty circumstellar disk. The disk is assumed to be geometrically flat with radial-dependent temperature and surface density prescribed by power laws.
The local intensity of the disk, seen at a given inclination, is then given by a blackbody emission at the local temperature weighted by an factor that depends on the local surface density and a chosen (…)

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"Christmas" releases

Published on December 18, 2022

Before 2022 comes to an end, we would like to advertise the last release of: Aspro2 (22.12) release notes
- a sortable target table is now provided, containing all the target properties retrieved from CDS and Aspro2,
- the PoP algorithm has been improved and allows now one optimization for ALL or SELECTED targets according to the added combo box in the main setting panel. OIFitsExplorer (0.5.2) release notes
- MyCarta has been added, allowing perceptually uniform color maps, (…)

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