> JMMC News
> JMMC Calendar
It is scheduled in hybrid mode (at ENS-Lyon and by videoconference), on Wednesday June 29, from 2:00 to 4:30 pm.
For more information, see the description of the JMMC here, in french.
The reports discussed with the committee and the minutes of the sessions are archived in the JMMC documents database.
The annual one-day meeting of JMMC took place on December 1, in Paris Observatory, from 10:30 to 18:00 CEST. Developments made during 2021 have been presented, as well as the planned activities for 2022 with a prospective for 2023.
This meeting was in French, accessible by zoom after request, and allowed about thirty people to exchange on current and potential developments.
The schedule and presentations are visible here: http://jmmc.fr/AG2022 .
7-18 June 2021
You may have waited for it: the 10th Very Large Telescope Interferometer summer school will take place in real life... in summer 2021!
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