The Mission
The JMMC is the french center for optical interferometry. It aims at providing support for the users of the stellar interferometers currently in operation. This support is possible thanks to the development of efficient and using friendly tools for preparing the observations, analysing the data or archiving the results. The tools are accessible through the web site and linked to a "Face to Face" help, especially for the preparation of observations, the PIONIER, GRAVITY and MATISSE data reduction, and the data analysis.
Acknowledgements: some recommendations
If a JMMC software, catalogue or database has been helpful in your research, please mention it in your publication in the ’Acknowledgements’ Section, add the reference article if it exists in the ’Bibliography’ Section and indicate, e.g. in a footnote, the link you used. Such recognition is important if JMMC is to continue its mission.
Standard phrases, updated links and reference articles are given here.
Updated on 25 November 2024